Save and Create a Collection of Your Favorite Instagram Posts instagram pic
The collections feature is basically like having a Pinterest board on Instagram. You can create albums and add your favorite posts. Best of all, this feature is completely private, so no one sees your collections or receives notifications for the pictures you’ve saved. InstadpContact, Privacy Policy, Sitemap Instagram DP, InstaDP, Insta dp viewer, Download Instagram stories, Instagram story viewer Saving and creating a collection can be done in two easy ways: Search a user to view their posts or scroll through your feed. Next, click the “bookmark” tab. The post will automatically save to your collections, but if you wish to add the post to a specific collection, press down on the bookmark tab to view options. You can automatically create a new collection or add the post to an existing one. Go to your profile and click the bookmark tab. To create a new collection, click the + icon on the top right-hand corner and create a name. To save multiple posts, click on the specific col...